1 min read

Nier: Peaceful Sleep, fictional language

Do you remember the time you spoke a language that didn't yet exist, just so you could think? No? Neither do I. When we were born, we had no verbal language learned to be spoken, no language to use for thinking—at least, not that we know of. Growing up, I had a limited vocabulary, as my parents didn’t teach me much of their language, nor was I allowed to use the language of the country I lived in. This resulted in me having a limited vocabulary and being unable to articulate my thoughts and expressions. I believe I turned to drawing just to communicate my feelings. Maybe that’s why I became so good at drawing. I realized that when my mind is emptied of words, my drawings become something I can’t express verbally. I can only hear sounds in my head and enter a trance, from which I can draw.

"Peaceful Sleep," one of my favorite soundtracks from NieR: Automata, magically calms me with its lyrics and sound, allowing me to focus. Though fictional, the language speaks to me as if I understand every word, yet I can’t translate it to English or any other language I know. It soothes me and gives me peace. It’s a powerful song; all of NieR's soundtracks are powerful. When searching for peace in a chaotic day-to-day life, listening to NieR’s soundtracks just makes sense.